Journalism films and civic engagement

A grisly car crash at an intersection has occurred. Nearby drivers' necks turn to rubber as no one can look away from the horrifying scene, each trying to get a good view of the event. From over the horizon, a red car blazes through the streets, police scanner blaring. A man with a camera steps … Continue reading Journalism films and civic engagement

The Corruptibility in GR Civic Media

Over the past decade or so the Greek government has come under a lot of fire and criticism on how it handles its country’s needs, and for good reason. The economic crisis of the country has been globally publicized and even as it slowly begins to get better things in the nation continue to spiral … Continue reading The Corruptibility in GR Civic Media

The Power of Grassroots: What led us here?

Bernie Sanders at a rally in St. Paul, Minnesota, Photo by Lorie Shaull The rise of widely accessible social media platforms has afforded new and powerful tools for local civic engagement and organization, making it a key part of the last three presidential elections. Powerful local initiatives are called Grassroots movements or actions, and have … Continue reading The Power of Grassroots: What led us here?

Ben Shapiro and Shaun King are not Objective: Why Biased Activists and Commentators Must Actively De-Identify as Journalists

Ben Shapiro, a popular online conservative political commentator who has built an empire off of his opinion. "Ben Shapiro." June 14, 2018. Gage Skidmore. CC-BY. If you ever get into a political conversation with someones who references the likes of Ben Shapiro or Shaun King as a reputable source of facts to back up their … Continue reading Ben Shapiro and Shaun King are not Objective: Why Biased Activists and Commentators Must Actively De-Identify as Journalists

Civic Media Literacy: The Role of American Partisanship

Media literacy is the foundation of Journalism 2.0. In a predominantly digital age, we live in a world connected by smart technology: Apple products and any of its competing companies offering smartphones. Fast paced lives fueled by online platforms such as Amazon or Google. We have our social media apps including Instagram and Facebook. Then … Continue reading Civic Media Literacy: The Role of American Partisanship