Can Social Media Create Community?

A lot has been made of the negative and positive impacts of social media platforms such as Facebook, but the extended reach that the platform gives to its users is typically chief amongst the list of potential positive impacts, but is this actually a tangible positive impact? In the Afterward section of his novel Bowling Alone: … Continue reading Can Social Media Create Community?

Tea Stains: The Destructive Cycles of Internet Drama Communities

"Tea" by chumsdock is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. For as long as there have been Internet communities, there has been drama within them; and as long as there has been Internet drama, there have been people who leap onto it to procure fame and influence for themselves. In communities based on a shared love of specific movies, shows, … Continue reading Tea Stains: The Destructive Cycles of Internet Drama Communities

“Back in My Day”— Analyzing the New Form of Social Capital

If you are a millennial or Generation "Z'er," you’ve probably gotten comments similar to these about your electronic lifestyle habits from your parents or grandparents: “Back in my day, we didn’t have all these gadgets. In my day, people actually spoke to one another!” “Maybe if you weren’t on that phone of yours all the … Continue reading “Back in My Day”— Analyzing the New Form of Social Capital

COVID: The Anti-Human Virus

Douglass Rushkoff in his Our Tech and Our Markets Have an Anti-Human Agenda describes a growing world that has lost fundamental human values from an agenda constructed by competitiveness in our technologies, markets, and media. Rushkoff claims that this competitiveness distracts us from inherent human interaction, and ironically, the digital networks that should connect us … Continue reading COVID: The Anti-Human Virus