“Resonance” by Home and its Nostalgic Sound

Over the past three years, the song "Resonance" by synth wave artist Home has gone viral on TikTok through many different contexts. The song has been sped up, slowed down, beats reversed, and even included mashups with other songs like Resonance x Empire State of Mind and Resonance x Genesis x Not Allowed. The song … Continue reading “Resonance” by Home and its Nostalgic Sound

Jubilee Video “Flat Earthers vs Scientists: Can We Trust Science?” Shows the Reality of Our Flat Earth

YouTube Channel Jubilee's Middle Ground video brings round Earth believers and flat earthers together to determine the ultimate truth of the world as we know it. At the beginning of the video, a flat earther participant, Wendell Walton, discusses how difficult it is for him and other flat earthers alike to live normally in a … Continue reading Jubilee Video “Flat Earthers vs Scientists: Can We Trust Science?” Shows the Reality of Our Flat Earth

Freedom of Speech on X, or a Lack Thereof

When Elon Musk took over Twitter, many users were thrilled to bask in a free speech haven, however, certain aspects of this freedom have not been tolerated. With the hope of influencing Elon Musk to make Twitter a positive, expressional atmosphere, President of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, Greg Lukianoff, wrote an opportunistic … Continue reading Freedom of Speech on X, or a Lack Thereof

Discussing Celebrities with the Worst Private Jet Carbon Emissions

Carbon emissions are a major catalyst of global climate change, trapping the sun's heat and resulting in global warming. While there is a general understanding that we need to globally reduce emissions in order to avoid potential disruptive impacts of climate change, there is much discourse on how the responsibility of reducing them should work. … Continue reading Discussing Celebrities with the Worst Private Jet Carbon Emissions

Upcoming Brandy Melville Documentary to Discuss Allegations of Fatphobia, Misogyny, anti-Semitism, and Racism

Upcoming HBO documentary Brandy Hellville and the Cult of Fast Fashion has sparked national interest and speculation on various social media platforms. Brandy Melville, an Italian fashion brand for young women, rose to popularity in the 2000s due to its preppy, west coast aesthetic. However, the store's one-size-fits-all policy quickly became controversial. When former Brandy … Continue reading Upcoming Brandy Melville Documentary to Discuss Allegations of Fatphobia, Misogyny, anti-Semitism, and Racism